Get the most out of your Website and Capitalize on Site Fixtures with the Complete SEO Audit
Below video outlines the features and benefits of the S5SEO Comprehensive SEO Audit which is a vital step to creating a solid foundation and a jump start to taking your site to the next level with solid rankings, traffic and Profits…
Why Operate Your Site on One leg when You could be Running to the Top Position?
This comprehensive SEO audit examines your website in detail as well as off-site factors with regards to visibility, relevancy and reputation.
This audit ensures you have a solid foundation from the start with a website health checkup identifying problems and solutions with the search engines as well as user experience.
You may not know it but your site could be suffering or worse is penalized without you knowing it.
Your site performance and ultimately business income can be dramatically improved with the audit findings.
Quantify Your Market Effectiveness and Identify Fixes.
Correct implementation of SEO techniques on your site and off site allows for a brilliant website to drive massive amounts of traffic effectively.
This detailed SEO audit provides a customized review of key factors which influence search engine crawling and discovery and is based on a 100 point scale representing your overall market effectiveness.
This is based on many criteria’s including including search engine data, website structure, site performance, site usability and others.
The report outlines actionable advice organized under high priority: most pressing valuable changes to mid and long term gains.
So Here is What You Get…
On-site Analysis:
- Website Performance – Desktop, Mobile Devices and Improvements
- Resolutions to Technical Issues e.g. HTTP status/response codes, broken links, crawling problems, JavaScript, Falsh, cookies etc
- Analyze Accessibility Factors:Robot Control Protocols, Site Navigation etc
- Check and Improve on Content Hierarchy/Organization, internal anchor text, vertical and horizontal site linking structure, breadcrumbs and resolution of navigation issues
- On-page/Content Optimization: HTML Markup Validation, Title Tags, Meta Title/Descriptions, Keyword Targeting, Body Text Keywords, ALT text, Duplicate content, outbound links, … , etc
- Improve URL Conventions: Keyword inclusion, length, parameters and search engine friendly
- Search Guidelines and Spam Protocol: Canonicalized Site Versions, Canonicalized Duplicate Content Fixtures
- Link Worthyness: Design Quality, User Experience, Value of Content, shareability and Accessibility
- Check Legal, copyright, terms and conditions
- User behavior, site analytics, sales conversion, …
- and More!
Off site Analysis:
- Site and Page Ranking Metrics
- Indexability: How well your site is being indexed by search engines…
- Inbound Links (Backlink Analysis): Quality, Unique Domains, Follow vs. No Follow, PR distribution, keyword and landing page distribution
- Search Engine Penalties: Identify and Resolutions
- Off-Page Campaign: Assess and Improve – Popularity, Trustworthiness, Authority, Social Engagement
- Detect Plagarism, copyright violation issues
- Detect Reputation Management Issues and Brand Awareness Status
- And More!
As you can see this technical SEO audit digs deep. The report is organized as follows:
- Executive Summary: outlining the major headlines with regards to findings from the audit.
- Score Card: Is a summary of all tests conducted and outcome measured by ranking with a scoring scale from 0 to 10 indicating excellent performance. The details of each test are provided in each Annex together with explanation, outcome and suggestions for improvement.
- High Priorities: Outlines quick wins requiring the least amount of effort and largest SEO performance improvements.
- Medium Priorities: Outlines recommended changes which require much more work to implement but offer long term SEO benefits.
- Low Priorities: Outlines suggestions for the smallest wins and should only be implemented once higher priorities have been addressed.
- Proposed Road Map and conclusion: This section outlines the recommended SEO approach based on detailed analysis and provides a timeline plan and projected forecast for top page rankings against ROI.
The Annex sections provide details of each test step and is organized under:
- Annex A: Defining Business Goals and Target Audience – This serves to identify the business needs and gaps which may exist with reflecting the business goals and target audience to that of your website.
- Annex B: SEO Onsite Ranking Factors – This relates directly to the design, content quality and function of your website and outlines improvements in support to improving SEO rankings.
- Annex C: SEO Offsite Ranking Factors – This relates to Off-page issues which impact search engine rankings and represents the major factor that search engines use in determining SERP (page rankings).
- Annex D: Provides Keyword Research and Competition Analysis in order to determine the required effort necessary for achieving search engine top rankings. This forms the basis for planning and implementing an SEO campaign with S5SEO.
Start operating your website on all cylinders at maximum acceleration… Get in touch now for what we consider to be the worlds most comprehensive SEO audit…