Create a Buzz of Excitement Around your Site and get Folks Linking for Free!
Below video outlines our Link Baiting service and how through viral marketing this can sky rocket your traffic and backlinks to your site leading to greater profits!
The Viral Buzz that Gets Links
The use of link baiting as a form of viral marketing to attract traffic and backlinks to your Website is a powerful tool and the results can quite simply be STAGGERING!
This white-hat technique is designed to gain mass attention and encourage people to link to your site.
A link bait can come in many forms and ranges from an amazing information graphic, software gadget or utility such as a calculator, a geographic display tool or anything which eye grabbing, unusual, funny and entertaining.
It is an innovative way to reach out and get attention and with that a viral effect which hooks people to engage and link back to it in an enduring manner…
So whats the Deal?
Simply get in touch with us and we will do the hard work.
We will either examine a given proposal or if you don’t have one then there is no need to worry!
Leave it with us to provide various proposals and options for you to consider.
Once you have decided on a proposal we then commence development work and get the project underway with agreed timelines and deliverables.
All proposals and costs are provided up front prior to implementation and we provide regular reports throughout the development life-cycle up to final implementation and acceptance.
Get link baiting now and take your business to the next level with viral marketing!
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